Sunday, July 12, 2015

Oh Deer

A few days ago I explored the sidewalk sale at Fred Meyer with a friend of mine. Fortunately for my pocket book I found nothing to purchase though I can't say I didn't find anything of interest. 

Many years ago I discovered that there was this product called deer away. 

Fred Meyer had an entire shelf outside devoted to half off deer away. I wondered why anyone could possibly wish deer away. And how you could ever manage to get a deer within the distance to spray it in the face with deer away is beyond me. Whenever I try to get close to a deer it bounds away except that one time when I was in the passenger seat of the car Justin used to pet that one deer in Montana. But animals always flock to Justin so really the deer weren't trying to come see me that day. 

Anyway the next day at work we were surrounded by deer. I'm not sure what happened. But I think maybe those very deer saw me at Fred Meyer and were super happy that I didn't buy the deer away. In fact deer are probably always stalking me because they are waiting for that day where they can finally tell me that yes I am a Disney princess. 

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