Monday, June 29, 2015

Treasure Hunting

With Justin being out of state I have been trying to keep myself busy to occupy my mind. Today I ran a bunch of ho-hum errands before weaving my way into historic downtown Nampa to a lovely little used book store. I had been eyeballing this particular store for sometime but had yet to get the chance to visit it. 

The kind employee asked me if I needed help finding anything since I essentially was standing there motionless in awe. Something about the smell of used books paralyzes me in a strange kind of euphoria. I explained my desire to find a nice hard cover copy of "Jane Eyre," and of course asked for Harry Potter to see what editions he had in stock. 

His Harry Potter selection was seriously lacking but he did happen to produce this lovely copy of not only "Jane Eyre" but also "Wurthering Heights."
I knew I had stumbled upon a treasure so I didn't blink when I saw the $15 price tag I immediately agreed to buy it. 

When I arrived home a simple search revealed the set to be worth $100 more than what I paid at a minimum. Needless to say it was a great find. To fill my Harry Potter void I decided to have a Harry Potter movie marathon... Why I didn't think of this sooner is beyond me :)
Notice the quote on my coffee cup :) which was part of a gift exchange I did on reddit last month. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Travelatrocity to Home Sweet Home

Sometimes I feel like I should leave town more often. After being violently ill on our trip back from Baker City yesterday I was affronted with some work news that I was less than enthusiastic about receiving. Coupled with the fact that I hadn't eaten in 24 hours, the fact we had to stop five hundred times on the way home thus turning a 2.5 hour trip to 4-5 hours-ish I was in a right foul mood after said news. 

I called Justin and vented once I got to headquarters and was able to be in the privacy of my own car. He listened intently and offered advice as he normally does in rough times. I disconnected with him and headed home to find this:

It led to a series of notes in the house and this gorgeous plant (notice the vase)
and some brand new lawn chairs for out back. I tried to get photos but when I did I was faced with an eight legged beast so I scurried back inside before I was attacked. 

I can't begin to put into words the comfort in having someone so thoughtful and appreciative to come home to. I guess it is true what they say... home is where the heart is. *sigh I'm being too sappy so ta ta for now. Before you go please take a moment to appreciate the beautiful new cell phone case I got. 
Everything my little heart could desire. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Veni,Vidi, Vici

I came, I saw, I conquered. 

And I almost bought a dress because the kitty totally picked one out for me. 

Unfortunately it was a bit short for my liking. I wanted to buy the kitty but she wasn't for sale. I do highly recommend visiting Mad Habit should you find yourself in Baker City, Oregon and if you like cats, cute dresses, art, and jewelry. 

Here are a few other amateur iPhone photos I took while on my work trip;

Foreign Trips

I'm watching the seconds tick by on the last day of our mobile trip. I still have yet to find the kitties but hopefully lunch will allow me to fill my trip's mission. 

This morning we had a few gaps in our schedule. I had finished reading my book last night because I simply could not put it down (The Cuckoo's Calling by JK Rowling). I have part two at home and am anxiously awaiting reading it. Now here I am looking for things to occupy my mind. 

I noticed the microwave has a diet cook mode on it. First I thought it said diet coke so I was excited to put my water in there and have it change but then I realized what it actually said. All these years I haven't used a microwave and then I see you can cook food and it turns into a "diet," version. I'm going to put cake in there that way I can eat as much as I want. 

I also discovered this book in my work drawer so I'm learning some new words. 

Also A new word to use around home :)
Justin get your colilla ready for me to come home. Or possibly culo. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Baker City Kitties

It's a new week and I'm on a new work trip. All this time away from Justin makes me feel like I'm wrapped up in the plot of a sob-by Lifetime movie. At least most of those have happy endings. Hopefully our lives aren't like that horrid "Craigslist Killer," Lifetime movie *shudder. Justin; if you're reading this and looking at Craigslist STOP! This won't end well. 

Today we arrived extra early to our hotel since we departed the hospital quicker than we'd anticipated. Unfortunately we were unable to check in early since Mrs. Grumpy Hospitality Lady was in a mood. This allowed us to explore the historic downtown area where I snapped two photos. I would have gotten more but I was distracted by a real live kitty in a store front. The darn store was closed as were most of the shops since it was Monday; a fine reason to be closed. 

My mission is to find the kitty and pet it before we leave. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Everybody's Working for the Weekend

Justin and I enjoyed our quick weekend together. Funny how the time always seems to fly when you're having fun. 

Yesterday we spent the day with one of my BFFs. We had a bbq and I even got my very own butternut squash to savor while the others devoured their bbq grilled chicken and steak. I also had me some juice with wiener dog ice cubes
Next we played that corn hole game. I some how managed to win, likely because my partner was a mastermind. Next we tried to pet some cows and finally played the card game 99 with quarters. Justin was the big winner $6.00 my friends. 

Today was Father's Day so we spent a lovely afternoon with Justin's dad and mom. We cleverly wrapped Justin's Dad's gifts in a nifty backpack....

I know you're jelly. 

Here is a photo I took of Justin on one of our pit stops:

Oh what an Icee can do for a man. 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Challis Motel

It's official... My first work trip is in the books. Monday we packed up our work vehicle and caravanned to Challis, Idaho. Our mission to provide mammograms was completed and we met a lot of fantastic women, almost petted some deer, and got to stay in a neat little motel. 

On our way back we stopped in Stanley, Idaho for breakfast. The population sign read "43," I thought that was pretty insane. I also eat the mayor's wife. (***edit I did mean meet not eat I typed this on my iPhone and it autocorrected)

Here are some photos from my humble abode on the trip: 
Sawtooth Mountains (from the car)
My little kitchen
My bedroom 
Majestic Horse Lamp

All in all it was a good trip except for that part where I woke up at 4:00 AM, stumbled into the bathroom to pee, and discovered a few dozen beetles. "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!" I screamed as I frantically mass murdered them. Ugh not sure what the hell was going on or where they all came from but I was disturbed. I left my horse lamp on for the remainder of the night hoping against all hope that more beetles wouldn't march upon the battlefield, or decide to march across my face for that matter. 

Just as I had drifted back to sleep my window air conditioner decided to emit a high pitched squeal which I mistook as someone being brutally violated in the parking lot while someone else was making that weird noise with latex balloons having the air let out of them. Fortunately it was just the air conditioner deciding to die at the most inappropriate time. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

My Fair Man

This Saturday I had to work so Justin opted to tackle some yard work with his dad. Since I was no where near the house he made a very poor wardrobe choice; his ugly cut off sleeves shirt that I have wished would spontaneously combust for the past entirety of our relationship. 

Since Justin is like "My Fair Lady," and burns easily when not wearing a straw hat and carrying a parasol I came home to lobster man. It took me a few minutes to realize that now the tank top I hate so much is burned onto his figure. So every time I see him it is like he is wearing a bright white sleeveless shirt.

Except... I did notice that he pretty much has the eye of Sauron burned onto his back.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Bracing Myself

I was at the store the other day and somehow managed to find myself in the children's toy section. I ogled over the colorfully packaged items displayed perfectly in the "activity," section; whole kits devoted to the movie "Frozen," pottery making supplies, sand sculptures, coloring books and jewelry kits galore.

I rarely was allowed these type of creative kits when I was little. This is likely due to my clumsy nature as a child. Had I been gifted a beading set I would have knocked over the kit and caused a storm of multi colored beads to rain over the entire house for sure. But today here and now as I am 29 years old and have my own home to risk spilling beads over I purchased this kit:

I took the kit over to one of my BFFs houses and we made-tried to make- bracelets. As the clock ticked on sweat began to bead on our foreheads and our curses became louder. My friend gave up with her venture but I, with my strong willed personality, forged on as though I were Frodo trying to destroy the one ring that ruled them all. 

Behold the gift I made for Justin who sadly broke his previous bracelet, which he had worn a decade or so, a few weeks back:

Unfortunately, for reasons my mind simply can not begin to understand... He won't wear it. Something about how he would have a lot of explaining to do at work??? Pity. My blood sweat and tears proved fruitless. If only I'd made the string a bit longer I could have made it an anklet. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Smart Phones

I have this sweatshirt that I wear around the house frequently. It is your standard pull over hooded sweat shirt with one of those pockets in the front. I find this very handy since I often skulk around the house like a rabid kangaroo stuffing chocolate and other things in my pouch as I go.

This morning I awoke from my slumber and did what every human being does; rolled over and text messaged a friend of mine. This particular friend is from work and does not fully understand how much “me” I actually am since we are work mates. She kind of gets it though. Anyway I then stood and placed my phone in my sweat shirt pocked as I went to void the contents of my bladder. Upon finishing I reached in my pocket and unlocked my phone. I then set it on the counter and turned on the sink and flushed the toilet. After washing my hands a strange sound-bite looking icon was in my text history. I frantically picked up the phone and it said in fine print ‘read.’

I turned up the volume on my phone and pressed play and as clear as day you could hear the sink turn on and then a toilet flushing. As quickly as it started it ended. I was mortified. The icon disappeared after I had played it. I waited with bated breath hoping that my iPhone was playing tricks on me. With no ellipses appearing on my screen (indicating a response was coming from her) I began messaging frantic apologies. At long last she replied saying that yes she did get the recording and that she will forevermore use it for blackmail. With a sigh of relief I thought about how much worse that could have actually been.  

I don't know how to send a sound bite. But I do know that I will never take my phone in the rest room ever again so long as i live. I will also stop muttering my evil plans for world domination out loud when my iPhone is in the room.

Monday, June 8, 2015


Today was sweltering. One of those my clothes are sticking to me immediately upon crossing the threshold to the outdoors kind of days. Here I am at nearly 11:00pm anxiously awaiting our Eco-friendly thermostat to adjust to a comfortable temperature so I can drift to sleep. 4:00 AM will undoubtedly come early. 

I considered building a sheet fort but my fan isn't big enough. Now that I'm old I do also acknowledge the imminent danger of said sheet forts which I constructed many moons ago in my youth. I would prop up the tall fan, turn off the oscillation mode and place my flat sheet over the top of the fan creating a wind blown some-like sanctuary. Ahhh the sweet memories. Wouldn't you know it; the interwebs has photos which closely resemble the forts I'm claiming to have invented... This is problematic. Am I Columbusing?

Fast forward to current day where I've stricken flat sheets from my bed owing to the annoying bunching properties they possess. Perhaps it is time to reconsider. I do love me some summer heat but holy pit stains this is  flirting with unbearable. 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Face Off

This weekend a most anticipated package arrived to our casa. Much like I school girl I giggled with excitement as I rifled through the contents of said box. My giggles quickly turned into an evil laughter as I produced the new caffeine masks that look straight up out of that Leatherface movie. 

I plotted all weekend on how best to scare Justin. I contemplated waking him up in the morning with it, standing over him in the dark with it on while he slept, and jumping out of the closet unexpectedly.

 I greatly feared my antics would result in cardiac arrest on Justin's part or a strong bludgeon to the head for me. Finally I decided to creep up on him while he was finishing the final pages of his serial killer James Patterson book. My greatest heart's desires were fulfilled as I managed to give him quite the fright. Maybe that will teach him not to read James Annoying Patterson..:

I was eventually pestered to go  upstairs where I proceeded to take like ten selfies because I couldn't get over how amazeballs I looked. 

(Apparently here LeBron James is photobombing me)

Who wore it better? 

(Dwight from the office wearing the CPR dummy's face he cut off)

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Exchanging Vows

Justin and I attended wedding number two for the year this weekend. For this particular wedding Justin was a groomsman. He looked quite strapping in his Calvin Klein tuxedo but unfortunately my phone was nearly dead by the time I arrived at the wedding so I was unable to collect photo documentation. You'll just have to take my word for it. 

The bride and groom left some activities on the table for guests during the shuffle between events. I completed each of the questions/activities on the paper. Towards the bottom of the page it asked that we draw a picture of our favorite moment during the wedding. I tried to capture the moment when the groom said vows to the daughter of the bride; a tough feat indeed. Unfortunately things went horribly wrong and this is what happened. 

It was supposed to be a microphone but appears much like something else. I was going to cross out the photo but couldn't stop chuckling so I just left it. Terrible. I used the last percentage of battery life I had on my phone to capture the one photo. Awful priorities. 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Seeing Double

Since I met my out of pocket max on my insurance policy earlier this year I've decided to start taking advantage of the perks offered; one of which is acupuncture. I had a couple of treatments earlier this year and it was pretty helpful with stress. So I scheduled me an acupuncture treatment yesterday. 

Unfortunately I was kept late at work and had to cancel the appointment I made. Naturally I was very heart broken so I decided to go get some vegan cupcakes and pizza. I called Justin to brag about my dinner (he was busy with wedding setting up for a family friend). I told him I was on my way to get cupcakes and turns out he had already bought some for me. Classy problem my friends. Now I have to eat four cupcakes :) 

Also I got my glasses. Try not to throw up at this selfie I'm posting.