Saturday, August 23, 2014

Hairy Wizards

The dastardly GRE is at last over. Justin and I arrived home moments ago from our lavish stay at the Super 8 (Motel/Hotel??) in LaGrande, Oregon. The room we stayed in was quite something. It included a comforter which appeared to have not been washed in ages, an old boxy television set that was unable to hook up to my DVD player, a hotel lobby which smelled faintly of vomit, and a perfectly Feng Shui'd bathroom which caused Justin to hit his head not once, but twice on the towel rack.

Justin: I am going to take a shower.

Me: Okay.


Justin: Ouch!

seven seconds later BOOOOOM!


I tried the hardest I could not to laugh but it was too damn funny after being cooped up in a car all day not to.

How I felt before the GRE:

How I felt after:
Photo Credit: Harry Potter
Also While searching for the above I stumbled upon this gem.

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