Thursday, January 2, 2014

unPhased by Big Brown Things Falling From the Sky

Justin and I started the New Year off on the right foot.
My favorite breakfast. I don't think Nutella is vegan but perhaps broken up pieces of chocolate on top of peanut butter is similar in taste? But far more fun since I get creepy looking smiley faces :)
Justin had the day off work so we stayed inside all day and playing Phase 10 (I lost both times) and watching movies. We had some “cake balls” which I had picked up from Whole Foods earlier in the week and forgotten about. Justin declared that the winner of our game would "get to eat all four of the cake balls, but if he lost than I would have to share the cake balls with him." *sigh I was like, gee…thanks. Lose-lose for me, no doubt.

As I stated before I am not really one to embrace the New Year’s Resolution business however Justin candidly reported to me last night that he has a “hotness plan” in place. He swore up and down after the Freudian slip of the words “hotness plan” that that is not the name of the system he has in place. I wondered why he was doing sit ups in the corner earlier in the day as I sat watching him whilst eating a bag of Kettle Salt and Vinegar chips. Mystery solved. 

Speaking of mysteries, Boise decided to ring in the New Year with this...

Photo credit KTVB. You can read about all the glory here:

Anyway it was nice to have a laid back day. Things finally slowed down since my school-break commenced, and Justin and I were able to get right back into the ebb and flow of our relationship. It is great that we live in such a small (500ish sqft) studio apartment, yet can’t get enough of each other. I feel that is a rare quality to encompass in a relationship. That being said sometimes things get a little weird. I decided to try to communicate Justin while he was dropping a deuce uh, powdering his nose. I blame it on cabin fever and being inside too long..  
Side note... I highly advise anyone who is in an argument with their significant other to use these notes. They work wonders when stresses are high.

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