Sunday, January 4, 2015

Over All; Life is Perfect :)

Justin and I (and Justin's parents) got to finally see the last installment of "The Hobbit," this afternoon. It was bittersweet since I am sure "The Silmarillion" will not be made into a movie so that might have just been the last I see Gandalf. Sad, sad day. I must admit there was a tremendous amount of war and CGI in the film but we still did enjoy it. I do wish they would have given Bombur more air time. 

In other news I tried to convince Justin to wear overalls the other day. My efforts, unfortunately, were fruitless. At one point I thought I had him convinced when I agreed to him being able to wear a train conductor hat with the overalls. Is it sad that is one of the highlights of my life? :) without school occupying my mind there are a great many things to utilize my time now... But picking on Justin takes the cake. 

Speaking of my time a friend of mine was smart enough to snag a kitchen table for us at a bargain price yesterday. So now I get to try my hand at sanding, and refinishing :) I must admit I am pretty excited. I hope I can wear a hard hat and tool belt because I think then it would be easier to boss Justin around if I had a Bob the Builder outfit on because Bob the Builder is super professional, intimidating, and bossy. Bonus maybe I can get me some overalls and then Justin will be jealous and my evil plan from before just might work after all. :)

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